Roundup |
Roundup time happens twice a year. Once in the spring to move the
cattle to their summer pasture and again in the fall to move them to
their winter pasture. Sometimes trucks and trailers are used to move
them, other times we run them down the highway.
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Antelope /
Emu /
Ostrich /
Other Birds /
Buffalo /
Camel /
Cattle /
Muntjac Deer
Reindeer /
Donkey /
Elk /
Giraffe /
Llama /
Mule /
Wallaroo /
Yak /
Home /
Branding /
Chores /
Landscape /
Schreiner Farms |
P.O. Box 449 Dallesport, WA
98617 |
(360) 561-2813 |