Our Washington ranch
consists of more than 12000 acres, located in the magnificent
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area .
This ranch is located across the Columbia River from The Dalles,
Oregon. It is an operating cattle ranch and
we raise approximately 18 species of exotic animals, most of which
are available for sale. We take pride in raising only the finest
quality animals which receive the best of care and food available.
We welcome any inquiries
regarding the availability of our animals.
Our ranch contains
abundant fresh water springs and wonderful well water, which helps
keep the animals healthy. Our animals are not enclosed in tiny pens
like a zoo, but roam in spacious wide-open areas.
We have a special
relationship with area Veterinarians whom we have depended on for
over 25 years.
Our Ranch is open to the public so you can drive through to view the animals.
Please observe the following rules.
We are open
from 9 am to dusk
stay in your
stay on the main road and turn around at the giraffe barn. There is a sign there
yield to farm traffic (tractors, quads and pickups)
No Smoking
do not litter or throw anything out of your vehicle

Antelope /
Emu /
Ostrich /
Other Birds /
Buffalo /
Camel /
Cattle /
Muntjac Deer
Reindeer /
Donkey /
Elk /
Giraffe /
Llama /
Mule /
Wallaroo /
Yak /
Home /
Branding /
Chores /
Landscape /
Schreiner Farms |
P.O. Box 449 Dallesport, WA
98617 |
(360) 561-2813 |